We’re better together

We bring together people with different types of power working toward common goals to have increased impact. Instead of working in silos, we mobilize grassroots, nonprofit, business, and leaders to work united to build common agendas, shared priorities, increased trust, and an abundance mindset that creates a bigger pie for all.


CR Miami (Corporate Responsibility Miami) adds value to companies by empowering CR professionals in guiding collective positive impact in our society and environment. We provide relevant, concrete tools and cultivate spaces for CR professionals to intersect by focusing our work on four pillars: sharing tools and knowledge to build capacity, strengthen initiatives, and develop CR Miami Members’ leadership and professional and personal growth, fostering a collaborative environment that promotes intersectionality and mutual support.

Our Accessibility & Inclusion for Nonprofits & Social Ventures initiative launched in the Fall of 2021 to create more diverse and accessible social impact spaces for people living with disabilities. We increased understanding and built collaborations with disability advocacy groups by offering stipends for accessibility services and trainings to 50+ organizations in Miami. To date, those best practices are now part of everything we do.


Radical Partners is honored to now lead a network birthed and raised by the Social Innovation Forum in Boston. CORE (Community Organizations Reimagining Ecosystems) is a nationwide network of 8 bridge-building organizations. We all work at the intersections of for profit and nonprofit worlds, all in a mission to accelerate change and learn from each other.


We are also honored to participate actively in social impact networks powered by some of our partners in impact. Hover to learn more:


Global Shapers Miami: The Global Shapers Community is a global network of Hubs developed and led by young people who are exceptional in their potential, their achievements, and their drive to make a contribution to their communities. Luisana Zambrano and Joan Godoy are past curators of the Miami hub and Alia Mahmoud of the Tunis hub, where they led projects that addressed environmental challenges, youth empowerment, mental health, and entrepreneurship. To date, they're all part of the global Alumni network.


F*up Nights Miami: Mistakes are not only okay, but encouraged at RP. Our culture of failure friendliness means we get to try new things without fear every day. It’s no coincidence that our CEOJoan co-founded F*up Nights Miami, a chapter of a global movement to share stories of failure and learn from them with a laugh and positivity. Four years later, the RP crew hosts one fuckup nights a quarter in collaboration with Venture Café Miami.


B Corp: Radical Partners is proud to have been awarded a B Corp certification in 2024. As a certified B Corp, we’re joining a global community of businesses that meet high standards of social and environmental impact. The B Corp movement works to transform the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet. Together, we’re using business as a force for good.


Community Spaces Network: Radical Partners is part of the collaborative network and effort to grow community-serving, community-owned real estate assets, such as shared spaces, for the purpose of supporting social impact in local communities in North America. If you want to join his network with us, then reach out to us at We'd be happy to connect you to the right people.


BNI: Radical Partners was awarded the nonprofit free seat of BNI's Edgewater chapter, in which we're exchanging knowledge and referrals with other local businesses. To learn more about BNI and perhaps join a local chapter, go to


Miami Tech Talent Coalition: Radical Partners has been working with the Miami Tech Talent Coalition, powered by Miami Tech Works, through our GET Champions program to increase gender equity in the Miami tech ecosystem. Together, we've bridged the gap between employers and diverse talent and promoted career pathways in technology. If you’re interested in these efforts, please reach out to