2020 here we come. Our team has been thinking about the biggest leap forward we can take this year and how to set ourselves up to fund, staff, and implement those big dreams.
In order to focus on what matters most, our team drank a giant cup of our own medicine and conducted a 2-day strategic planning summit where we left with the following five major priorities:
(1) Ecosystem strength. We have focused for five years on strengthening individual social impact leaders. But we can’t truly solve the issues facing the future of our region as a bunch of siloed individual heroes. We’ll be pouring much of our strength into building collective impact. This priority will impact every choice we make, from the way we staff our team, to the goals we set for each of our programs.
(2) Team strength. Everything we accomplish is possible because of the power of our staff members and we are doubling down on our own professional development, networks, and closeness. Our aim is for every member of the team to take a meaningful leap forward in their own professional growth and impact and for our org to be the most joyful place to work in town.
(3) Engaging hard to engage communities. One of our fundamental beliefs is that engaged communities are stronger communities. Our civic engagement work, (this year with special focus on census turnout and voter turnout) is going to prioritize not just on informing and engaging our already-enthusiastic base of friends and partners. We want to make sure every local has the chance to shape the future of our region. This calls upon us to focus increasingly on diversity, equity, and inclusion on our teams and projects and to double down on the true work of listening and understanding the needs of our full community.
(4) Bigger bets. Over these past two years, in partnership with The Miami Foundation, we were part of Citi Foundation’s Progress Makers initiative, which gave us the capacity to take big risks and operate more boldly. Having seen the tremendous impact that comes from big bets and system level thinking, we don’t want to go back to small, restricted, project-based thinking. That requires big bold partnerships, general operating dollars, and sometimes, it means saying no to smaller, less ambitious plans.
(5) Alumni. We’re about to hit the 100 alum mark and as we continue to grow our family of community innovators, we’ll be doubling down on our existing network to help more of our alums hit the $1MM mark, grow their teams, build critical partnerships, and change the future of our region. Sometimes the real win isn’t more, more, more. It’s deepening the impact exactly where you are.
If you’re ready to set your own big priorities, sign up for the Strategic Planning Summit waitlist, a subsidized two-day retreat for your org/board/team to help you think more boldly about the future of your organization.
As the year begins, we’re feeling grateful for the big bets of 2019 and we’re thankful for the partners who put wind on our backs. Wishing you a powerful Q1 and the time and space to think boldly, make big asks, and set yourself up for a fresh decade filled with power and impact.